Message from the Executive Director
Date posted: Tuesday, July 25, 2018
Dear Distinguished EPS members ,
I am delighted to have this opportunity to introduce the updated web page of the Ethiopian pediatrics society. Our society EPS has acquired this milestone of development through the contribution of all its enthusiastic members. I hope that you will take time to become familiar with our updated site and with the important information we have to offer. I am very confident that this web page will further contribute to the organized and united effort towards the achievements of the society’s goal.
As all our members very well know one of the objectives of EPS is to advance advocacy for children’s right and play an active role in both curative and preventive aspects of child health problems at a national level. The task of pediatricians in our country is huge, which cannot be alleviated by only anorthodox type of clinical efforts, we have to start talking about children’s right in every opportunity we encounter.
I believe that the current high neonatal, infants and under five mortality will be curbed by the maximum use of the information exchanges among colleagues through organized and well designed communication methods and our web page will be a very important media to this endeavor. This updated websites has several new features in it including online submission of the manuscript for the EJPCH, all the issues of EJPCH posted, updates on immunization with imunization in practice online course and many others. Thus I cordially invite you to explore our web site, to feel free to contribute. Your constructive comments and inputs are of immense value.
I also believe that combining the kills and expertise of our members and the trust EPS has won from our partners, there is no doubt that we can demonstrate remarkable achievements on child survival in Ethiopia.
Together we can make a difference! May God bless all of US !
Thank you
Bogale Worku Prof.
Executive director, EPS